

  • Product standards

    HG/T 4122-2020

  • Package

    PE bag with a net content of 25kg, plastic lined woven bag with a net content of 500/1000kg.

Technical requirement

Measuring Items   Limits
AppearanceWhite flakesliquid
Trimethylolpropane,w/%        99.0


Moisture,w/%                            0.05


Acid value [as KOH]/(mg/g)     



Chrominance/APHA                  15


Use to

It can be used as a raw material for syntheticresins, as well as for synthetic aviation lubricating oils, plasticizers, etc.

It can be used as a substitute for glycerol andin the synthesis of dry oils.

It is widely used for the production of polyesterand polyurethane foam, as well as the production of alkyd coatings, syntheticlubricants, plasticizers, surfactants, rosin esters and explosives. In addition,it can be directly used as a textile additive and thermal stabilizer for PVCresin. When used in alkyd resin, it can improve the robustness, color, weatherresistance, chemical resistance and sealing performance of resin.

It can improve the robustness, corrosionresistance and sealing performance of the resin; and has good stability forhydrolysis, pyrolysis and oxidation.

It is as an organic surface treatment agent inindustries such as titanium dioxide.